Content Tracker: Learners can keep track of the content pages they have visited.

#Atutor language packs Offline
Content Package Viewer: Standard Content Packages can be exported from ATutor to be viewed offline in the accompanying viewer.Students can edit their forum posts for a specified number of minutes, and can search through messages in the current course, enrolled courses, or all available courses. Subscribe to forums or topic threads to have messages sent by email. Students can communicate with those in other courses through shared forum, or a community forum, or through networking contacts or groups. Threads and messages can be sorted in a variety of ways. Communication Tools: Learners can communicate with others through their Inbox using ATutor’s private mail, through the discussion forums, the chat rooms, or the “User’s Online” tool.The Preference Wizard is available from anywhere in ATutor, to make quick adjustments to preference settings. Students can control visual display settings, content adaptation settings, navigation controls and learning tools settings. Preference Settings: Learners can control ATutor features and the theme ATutor is presented in.This could be a success message, warnings to consider, or errors to fix. Feedback: Following an action (such as saving preference settings, or posting a message), feedback is given on the status of the operation.Add Latex formatted mathematical notation and multimedia objects to blog postings Group Blogs: Each group has access to their own blog, to which they can post public messages, available to all course member, or private messages, available only to group members and instructors.Version control can be enabled to keep track of drafts or changes to documents. File storage areas can also be shared across groups, or an entire course. File Storage: All users on an ATutor system have their own file storage utility.Exercises or assignments can be submitted to a group leader, or course instructor. Work Groups: Learners can collaborate with others on course projects, communicate as a group through the forums, share resources using the File Storage utility, and work together authoring project documents.

Navigation elements can be hidden to simplify the environment.