Down in bermuda paradise for two
Down in bermuda paradise for two

down in bermuda paradise for two

White is in no danger, but the win is nolonger trivial at all. Suddenly black's rook andqueen are coordinated superbly, and the rook on e6 is caught offside. 42.exf5 threatening both f6 andRxe5, and White will be up more than a piece shortly. Horrible move, obviously goingfor Nf5, but the simple exf5 followed by f6 would have ended the game rightthere. This move isobjectively useless but it actually created probably the only chance for me tomess up. However, Larry went for a sacrifice that wasnothing short of crazy. I then went for a plan that was more fantasy-like than realistic,which allowed black to equalize, and the position was very closed. Larry played a sideline against the four-knights, and I decided to keepthe game simple, obtaining a slight but nagging edge. My game turned out to be more entertaining, although it didnot look so from the early beginning. Ivanov exploited an inaccuracy in the Breyer by black to take over theinitiative in the ending and the game in good technical fashion. Meanwhile on board two IM Schneider had Black againstIvanov. Carol Jarecki runs the tournament excellently as she does every year, and no problem occurred, except, perhaps,the unusual finish to my game against Larry Christiansen. Taking part in this year's event were fourgrandmasters, Christiansen, De Firmian, Ivanov, and myself, followed by IMDmitri Schneider and FM Charles Riordan. EstherEpstein and Alexander Ivanov go every morning and have done so for years, PolarBear Club anyone? be fair, I went for a swim myself on the Monday following the tournament.Īmidst all this fun, the chess tournament started, and weactually had to play some chess. If you'd like to seethe video, go to In between the swizzles, walks on the beach (it's notexactly beach weather for Bermudians, but for Canadians living in NY, we'lltake it), there were even some brave souls who went for morning swims. Larry, already a world renowned rum swizzlemaker, obtained further notoriety this year when he had a shouting match withsomeone famous. This year,I flew early enough to take part in all the festivities, which begin with aparty at Larry Ebbin's house, followed by a blitz tournament. There are three direct flights daily fromNYC, and they are quite cheap too.

down in bermuda paradise for two

That being said, without the need for afurther disclaimer, I always really look forward to the crisp air, incredibleview and thrill of riding around the moped on sinuous roads on the very narrowisland (Bermuda is mostly long and not wide)Īnd so this year I returned, for the fifth or sixth time.It's easy to get to Bermuda, especially for New Yorkers.

down in bermuda paradise for two

However, tourists are notoriously imprudent onmopeds, and driving on the left side of the road is confusing to many. In fact, even residents cannot have morethan one car per household and so, either the husband or wife (ok, usually thehusband.) ends up riding a moped to work in a typical household. Bermuda does not allow tourists to rent cars. Witha little bit of effort (actually, I am still surprised I pulled this off) Iconvinced my dad that we should both rent a moped. I remember first stepping foot on the island, and wishingany part of Canada looked like it. At that Olympiad, a decade ago, Nigelinvited me to the Bermuda Invitational. I also met Nigel Freeman, organizerextraordinaire, who was probably best known in the chess world for puttingtogether a huge party at every Olympiad, aptly named the Bermuda party, wherethe strongest and weakest teams alike had a great time before the usual freeday. As afirst time participant in an event of such magnitude, I thoroughly enjoyed thebanter between, say, Nigel Short and Larry Christiansen. A few months prior, I was at the IstanbulOlympiad, staying at a hotel on Taksim Square, where a few teams, such as theAmericans, Canadians, Brits, and of course Bermudians spent a lot of time,especially in the downstairs bar. Photo Donna Reis, 2011 In January 2001, I first stepped foot in Bermuda.

Down in bermuda paradise for two